Showing posts with label bird cage painting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bird cage painting. Show all posts


About Those Threads

Like I said, the threads I am using lately are really coming together nicely.  In fact my art is beginning to replicate itself in all forms.  Take for instance this lovely texture painting of a bird cage.  It was inspired by the image below:

Of this birdcage.  Yep.  I am freaking out a bit over the new metalsmithing techniques added to my bag of tricks.  Wait til you see how I translate the flower texture paintings into jewelry!!
About the words in the painting.....keep your heart open.  Man I've been doing that lately. Like WIDE open.  And geessssh if amazing things aren't happening.  I know it's because I am begining to let go of fears and those whatthehellareyoudoing monsters from my creative brain.  I know my Solo Show has had a major influence on this shift in my attitude.  Of course it has given me a ginormous boost in confidence which is translating into energy towards working in the studio that is just flat out inspiring!!  So hold onto your laptops peeps.  This blog is going into overdrive the next few days as I share the journey!


Practice Being Grateful

Monday morning I was folding the laundry, trying to mentally prepare myself for the art chores that needed to be accomplished for the day.  Not everyday is a painting day in the studio...nope.  Some days are spent making inventory sheets, photographing paintings, uploading photos, editing photos, wiring paintings(my least favorite chore), and hammering sawtooth hangers on.  Yes, some days are less exciting than others.  But as I was folding William's clothes and organizing my day I couldn't help but SMILE.  Because even the most tedious of days in the studio are days I am so very grateful that I CAN be an artist.  That God has first and foremost given me a gift that I enjoy sharing with you.  And second, that we can afford for me spend my days at home making a living instead of elsewhere simply dreaming of being an artist.   So yes, I practice being grateful daily.

On another note, my children are often very quick to offer up opinions about what I am working on in the studio.  William came in the other day and I very excitedly said, "Look William what I've been working on!"  He kind of tilted his head back and forth at this painting and said very innocently, "Mom, those just don't look like your birds."  "Oh, well I was inspired by some little finches I saw recently and wanted to paint them."  "Ok, but Mom I like the other birds better."  "Ok, thanks William".

I suppose I share this because recently I posted about finding a common thread in your work.  How important that it is to find you own voice in your work.  And although I paint in many mediums, I try to keep the thread running through.  But this round of paintings, well I am beginning to see a new thread appear.  Not that this is bad because it's coming completely from my little head.  But it's a little different.  I didn't see it until he pointed it out.  Not that I am painting in a new style or anything.  But they have a fresh feel.  It's almost like they are stronger paintings now.  Does that make sense?    They are bolder and have a new confidence about them.  Huh....isn't it cool the way life and art can mirror one another? Just saying.
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