We are so lucky to have this amazing flea/antique market once a month here in Atlanta. We used to have two, just thinking about it makes me sad....but alas, Scott's is still up and running. And for some reason, I had a hankerin' to head there last weekend. It was cold as cold could be. But Tiffin and I with gloves, hats and coats were not deterred. Promptly we drove up to the market at 9am and started with the outside booths. I've never been to this with her before, and it turns out we have the same excitement about the outside booths! Actually, we had the same excitement over lots to do with this market....thankfully not over any merchandise though!
Look at all those awesome ART stools below!! Too bad I didn't need any. They were a find though. I loved the yellow and blue cart above as well. It cranked up and down which would rock with my heat press. Maybe next month.
Anyone need a hand? hehehe......
These bathtubs all lined up were just to funny. I bet in houses built today these babies would fall right through the ceiling. Oh, BTW, you guys like my hat? I got LOTS of stares and some compliments. Funny, in Georgia I'd never thought I'd need the darn thing. But man I've worn it A LOT this year!
Tiffin on the other hand was mesmerized by the sitz baths. She cracked me up talking about them being so comfortable and so much better than the stupid pink plastic tub they sent you home from the hospital with. OK folks, I pretty much remember the birth stories of my children down the the minute, but the sitz bath thingy....I'd obviously blocked because until that very moment the pink plastic tub had escaped my memory. Needless to say these sitzers became the giggle conversation the rest of the day.
I managed to spend my entire Naked Art Consignment check in a few hours. What did I buy you ask? Well.... some beautiful beads, vintage jewelry pieces, faux pearl ring that ROCKS, hen house bins for the new kitchen, a beautiful 1st edition map for Billy (our anniversary is this week), 4 hand carved metal jewelry stamps I am praying work with my stamping techniques and these two rockin' items:
Above is my new jewelers bench. It has the most amazing butcher block finish with pretty markings by the previous crafter. The bin pulls are brass with remnants of paint from previous projects all over. Ellie has already claimed it as her own little house. I intend to add casters so it can be wheeled around. And no, I have no real place for this....but for $130, it could not be passed up. Nope. It would have haunted me.
And last but not least, this little bauble I spotted immediately, and the owner wasn't even in his booth yet! I have no idea how I noticed it amongst the tray of other baubles. I mean seriously how many people are looking for a Pi Kappa Alpha signet ring? Not me at the time of course, but it was definitely scooped up once I figured it out. And Billy really liked it. I got the really like it expression and the wow...you got this for me? And those of you that know Billy and his small variations in facial expressions, it was definitely a good buy.
So....I may have to take next month off for my pocket book's sake. It was fun to go this month and spend time with a friend, plunder through vintage finds, and come home with all sorts of amazing finds. Oh and the rice pudding, I can't forget the rice pudding. Yummmmmmy. So have you been on any field trips lately?