Showing posts with label know me. Show all posts
Showing posts with label know me. Show all posts


know me

When I placed the words gently into this painting I remember exactly what was on my mind.  Lately I've had a deep desire for those that I surround myself with to really know me.  Not just the bubbly, silly talking, stick-her-foot-in-mouth, art teaching, artsy, Mom, Wife kind of know me.  Know me.  I find the heart on the sleeve thing can be most annoying.  The constant noise and opinions of other's, well sometimes it can overhwhelm me to the point of breaking.  I have loads of courage though.  And good intuition.  I also have my feet firmly planted in the direction my heart and head are telling me to go.    My creativity is overflowing and so inspiring that I can not help but be positive.  Amazing things are around the corner....I feel it in my heart.  So.....I suppose that heart on the sleeve thing can be good for something afterall, right?
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