Showing posts with label yellow bells. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yellow bells. Show all posts


Little Suzi's

I started this painting who knows how long ago. I found it in my garage just waiting for stems and flowers. I love the green watercolorish background. So I added the yellow kissing flowers and some yellow bells to the foreground. I love that yellow bells bloom this time of year. This is my first year to have my art studio in the house in the sunroom where you get a full view of these amazing bushes all day. I planted four bushes about 12 years ago around the back patio and house area. They were literally a single stem that had been rooted by my pastor. Over the years I've been too chickin' to cut them back for fear they would never come back as grand. So now they are literally as tall as our single story house. I've had to trim, but that's it. They are a glorious site right now. And quite the inspiration. You'll be seeing more yellow bells in my garden paintings very soon.



The past few weeks have been full of natural wows here in Georgia. We've had rain, tornadoes, hail storms, flooding rain and topped it all off with an amazing blanket of sparkling white snow yesterday. We see snow about once a year here, but never this spectacular. Just look at my yellow bells in full bloom softly covered in snow. The flakes were huge. Just look from my art studio window here:
It snowed a good 5 hours straight. What an amazing site! My red boots liked it a lot.

This is my backyard, complete with zip line blanketed in snow. I spent most of the day prepping new panels with texture and lines. I can't wait to start painting today. We are out of school of course, so perhaps it will be tomorrow before I get the paint brushes working. Today we are playing games and staying by the fire. Have a good one too!
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