

Month of Love

My sweetie and I have been together since 1991....minus a few months for break ups. That's 24 years folks. 24 years!! Holy cheesecracker. More than 1/2 my life. The past 6 months we've had a bit of an awakening to our relationship. Holding each other more accountable let's just say. Strengthening our bond. So this month, the Month of Love, I plan to do a little more showering on him. A little more to show him how much I appreciate him as a father and husband. How much admire him. How much I adore him. How much I love him. We might actually go on a few dates. Yep...I want to date my husband. Sounds silly but when you have 2 active teenagers and 2 adults working full-time jobs to pay bills, the little things like going out as a couple totally get put on the "we don't have time for" list. But not this month. I've got plans folks.
Ok...enough on that. A little trigger for this happy love stuff is this painting. I received a call from a previous buyer who wanted a painting for the "relationship corner" in her room. You see, she's certified feng shui counselor.  Her story is lovely. I couldn't wait to dive in and make her this painting which we hope will bring a beautiful relationship to her life.

I want to put words on it but haven't found the right quote. Do you have any ideas? I hope your February is off to a glorious start. This is going to be a good month. I can feel it!


Oh I am just tickled you are here leaving me a comment! Know that I love having you guys on the journey with me here.