

Painting For Charity

Sometimes I am asked to make donations for charity events. I never mind, knowing giving of my talents is something my heart knows I should do to honor the gifts I've been given.

I tend to not talk about faith on my blog, not sure why really. I personally was born and raised a Methodist in a huge church in Homewood, Alabama where my grandfather was the minister. My Mother was the children's choir director. Every amazing memory of high school includes UMYF or Camp Sumatanga. My husband and I have been active members of a local Methodist church here in Newnan since 1996.  Billy gives of his time graciously to our church. I admire this quality about him so much. He teaches middle school Sunday school and ushers once a month. And he always volunteers for Bible School. Which I am so thankful for because I really dislike Bible School. Even as a kid I did, I can't pinpoint it but think it's the over the top stimulation they infuse into it that totally wigs me out. I was active in the music ministry of our church until our children became of age to need to get to their own Wednesday night activities (They actually attend a different church on Wednesday night that offers an unbelievable youth program and with my hubby working in Atlanta it means I do most carpool duties. I don't mind because usually Wednesday nights I have 7 kids to take to dinner and church. I love getting to know my kid's friends!). point is that we all give of ourselves in very different ways in our family. We hope that some of this giving spirit is rubbing off on our children and that one day they will be as much givers as they are receivers. Right now they are in the receiver stage pretty bad. I know that children have to be guided and honestly some lean more naturally towards being givers at heart. But being willing to give, both through time and money is important to our family. Billy and I are on the same page with this, tithing even in toughest times financially. Although I have truly found that giving our money when money is tight somehow we end up with more than we need. He works magic like that I think.

So when asked to donate something for an auction to benefit a friend's local support group for families with children who have special needs I didn't hesitate. And I didn't pull junk from a closet. I painted this for them specifically. And I pray that the family that takes it home finds the joy within it.

If you have a special organization you help with and ever need an item for an auction, please don't hesitate to ask. You are my friend just by being here and reading this blog. I'd love to be a part of their journey.

1 comment:

  1. Jenni, I adore this, and all of your paintings and the sentiment behind this post is beautiful. I'm so pleased to have come across you, your blog and your art. Warm wishes from Melbourne, Australia. Anita. xo


Oh I am just tickled you are here leaving me a comment! Know that I love having you guys on the journey with me here.