Showing posts with label 2011. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2011. Show all posts


Time to Rediscover

Well the door is closed on the year 2010.  And I'll have to be flat out honest I am a little sad.  It has been a good incredible year in fact!!  In my first post of the year here I stated that I am not one for "New Year's Resolutions". But rather take the time to recognize the doors that have opened and closed, and those that need to be padlocked!   I also declared 2010 the year to "be incredible".  I know, this word means "hard to believe or too extraordinary".  I was ready for that kind of year though, one of unexpected joy, of over the top ideas and dreams loftier than I could possibly attain.  I was ready to be better than normal and begin opening doors that had "Principal's office" on them.  Yep. 

So incredible this year you ask?  Really?  There's so much I can toot my horn about with both my personal life and my art business.  And by golly I a going to share my business happiness:  207 blog posts, facebook fans hit 200, etsy sales finally broke 100, paintings sold and sold (I keep crappy inventory so don't know how many but it was a lot), blog following continues to AMAZE me (puffy heart you peeps!!), got my hopes up really high with a major licensing company (didn't work out yet, but the experience has been life changing),  featured articles in 4 Somerset Publications, had a career boosting trip to Art and Soul Las Vegas, met so many amazing artsy people this year who have inspired me to be more, and last but not least I finally feel like I'm in my space as an artist.  It's funny how through the years of navigating this art career I've looked over the shoulders of others to keep myself in check......basically compared myself to their careers.  And now, well I've got my own space.  My own space to reach, stand tall and grow into.  I can't thank all of you enough for being my quiet audience to share all of these joys, surprises and dreams with this year.  I think of you as friends, many of whom I will never meet, but your joining me on this journey makes my space that much more special.   Which leads me to this year, 2011.  My inspiration comes again from the little Hallmark book, Be INSPI(RED).

"Rediscover you. Admire yourself more often. You are as beautiful as your heart remembers."

This year I pledge to rediscover myself on many, many levels both personally and in my business.  I've got them written down.  And am ready to face the fears.  And I can't wait to see how the discoveries unfold in 2011!
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