This morning I can't seem to shake this word off my brain:
I looked it up in the dictionary to be sure I had the meaning right, and it says this about abundance....
1: ample or overflowing quantity 2: affluence or wealth 3: relative degree of plentifullness.
Have you ever thought about what you have an abundance of? I can tell you on the surface I have an abundance of clothing, nick-nacs, art supplies, patterned papers, and junk jewelry...just to name a few. I am not so sure I have an abundance of monetary wealth.....actually I know I don't. But we are working on that! The 3rd definition, on being plentiful, I think this has to do with being fruitful. And to me that translates into giving. And that is where my abundance lies. You see, my entire life I've enjoyed the act of giving. Giving of gifts, giving of time, and giving of my talents. Sometimes joyfully these things are given, sometimes out of obligation, but nonetheless, they are the fruits that I can give in abundance.
I know that's why I like to talk here in this blog to you about my life as an artist. It's one of those gifts I've been given, the gift of gab some may say, and one that I fruitfully give. Just in case you are wondering, it's definitely not out of obligation that I share but rather in joy that I openly discuss my creative self. You see, when you have an overflowing abundance of something, you can not help but share it. I know you have something like that inside of you, something that bubbles inside and just about bursts out. Something that brings joy to your very core of being. One does not have to have wealth in terms of money to live abundantly, just a willingness to seek what lies abundantly within you. Being open to share this abundance is what will make you stronger, and less vulnerable to those sneaky insecurities that also lie within you. So start digging folks and find the abundance within......I can guarantee it's not hanging on hangers in your closet.