Showing posts with label Southern winters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Southern winters. Show all posts


New Hats!

You know how sometimes you get an idea in your head and you just can't wait to make it and then show it off? Well, this is me in my new product that I am jumping up and down about!

I've lived here in the south my whole life. So fuzzy hat wearing days are usually pretty short in length. We have more opportunities to wear baseball hats in the heat than toboggans during our winter. I doubt that many southern women own a fur hat. This winter came quickly and furiously though. And wearing a hat, well it just makes a lot of sense when it's 30' and windy! And a fashionable hat is even more important to a southern gal like me. And although my husband is questioning this new fashion statement of mine, I think it will over great with my teenage friends! I've got 2 style hats, this is the traditional toboggan look, the other is a bit more french painter like. Any which one you wear is sure to draw an eye or two!

Okay....side note. I always spell check and the only word I misspelled this time was toboggan...does that tell you how unused a word that is in the south?

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