We hung out downtown for awhile after my class, ate at the Redneck with half of Newnan(I guess we weren't the only ones with a taste for the Redneck finery!), went to the grocery, and then headed home to play, play, play!
This was the first snow for several family members; Mailey, Lily, and Eli had never seen this white blanket on our grass before. Mailey was thrilled, helping to build the snowman, throwing snowballs, but mostly she just ate it. Those of you that know her well know that she LOVES to eat, all the time. Snow was a delicacy we might not have around for another 5 years, so she ate and ate! Lily didn't want to touch it, I held her most of the time. Doesn't she look adorable in her pink parka? William was the snowball king, and with his baseball training, his balls hurt!

Last thing we did before defrosting our fingers was build a snowman. William rolled the balls, then we all made decisions on his attire. We decided an Auburn snowman was the best idea, and so here he is. Aubie in the snow! We even had a carrot for the nose. It's Monday and he's still standing strong. The ground around him is a bit like a marsh, but he's still smiling, hat and all!
I hope those of you that had snow your way had as much fun as we did. My favorite thing the kids did were the snow angels. I forgot to take a picture of them, but they were so cute laying there swishing their limbs back and forth to make little angels.