I new I felt skippee today...actually that is a lie. I felt kind of down today for some reason. And THEN, I checked my etsy shop and noticed I hit 104 hearts today! That is a milestone in my mind. Now, if I could get 100 sales. That would be something to get really skippee about. I'm off to another show this weekend out at Serenbe. If you've not been there yet, it's a must. One day my children and I want to live there. My husband does not however, which proves a bit of a problem because I rather like him residing in my house. So, the kids and I'll work on him!
The event: Serenbe May Day Event
Sunday, May 4th from 1-5PM
Hope to see you then!
Yipee Skippee Fun New Art!

PS Pics of my Wesleyan School Art Show to be posted soon. It was FABULOUS by the way.
Ooooo New Stationary!
So I met this way fun girl named Angie at the Serenbe Christmas Market in December. We had booths cross from one another. She eyed one of my paintings, I eyed her great way with stationary. So, by the end of the day we had struck a deal. I'd trade my painting for her creating some stationary for me after Christmas. And here it is! Oh if you could only feel the cards. The thick, white, recycled paper with my little guys on them make me so happy. This picture is a bit fuzzy (it's late), but I think you can get the idea. I think my favorite part is that they are square, just like the artwork was. AND do you see the raspberry envelopes? Love them. I also have what I call the "Celebration" set. This is the "Little Bird" set.

What really caught my eye at the Serenbe market were these scalloped cards. I had to have them. So I made up a bunch of little doodles and she printed them up on the scallop cards, that I just had to have. We used a mix of "Mattie" blue and this great pea green, then put them all with these yellow-green envelopes. Really, these are going to get noticed by the mailman, or mail lady in my case. I can't wait to mail one to myself.
Thanks again Angie at Ink Spott!

Thanks again Angie at Ink Spott!
Art Walk Last Night
Last night was Downtown Newnan's annual Spring Art Walk. Here are some pictures of my little nook in the store for the evening. I had several of my new pieces I'd been hording in my garage for the Artist Market on display as well as plenty of pendants, framed tiles and some oldies but goodies. The night was a packed house for us. Traditionally stores stay open from 5-8PM for this event offering customers finger foods and adult beverage choices. Our beverage of choice on a regular night out basis is a margarita, so this year we rented the mack-daddy machine and kept it flowing all night. And it paid off. People came back to our store after strolling the other shops. Not only for the special drink, but for our great new stuff! We sold and sold and sold some more! By the end of the night I was so pumped up from the thrill of the people mingling and really enjoying being in the store. This is when I love being a store owner. If you'd asked me earlier in the week, I'd might not have been so full of kind words!

I really like placing my art into old frames. They seem more, I can't think of the right word right now, but I guess "loved"? I've found a great local carpenter who makes the frames for the tiles from salvage wood and made several for "odd" sized pieces I plan to use next weekend. It's beginning to all come together now. Just 5 days! I am so excited!

Upcoming Artist Market

Next weekend, April 24-26th I am participating in this artist market up in Norcross. The event is being held at the Wesleyan School on Spalding Drive. I was tickled pink when I received the poastcards to mail out and saw that Bluebird in Catydids made the front of the card! I hope to see some of you there!
New Pendants in the Mix
Hot off the press, literally, are a couple of new pendants. This is "Little Flower Dance". The original painting was done on wood with acrylics and is available at Naked Art Gallery in Birmingham. The pendants are all in stock at the Vintage-Flea and in my etsy store. All pendants are hand pressed onto a porcelein tile. The image is permanently embedded into the tile surface. I like to wear my pendants on a slide necklace, but you can put it on just about any chain. Pendants cost $28.oo without the chain.

The Tangled Web

Those of you out there that like to read blogs, know that once you get started, it can be a dangerous adventure. One leads to another to another to another, and then you can't remember where you started. I've gotten to where I immediately add a favorite to my favorite list so I can get back to them easily. So, while glancing at my new favorite artist http://www.how2drawacupofcoffee.blogspot.com/, she had posted one of her favorites, http://amutedpalette.blogspot.com because she is having a cool contest. So I picked my favorite of her selection and hopefully might win it. The contest ends Saturday night, so take a look now! She also has a nice blog...gotta get back and read more!
Pretty Pink Poppies

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