This room has been several things. A sunroom complete with rattan cushioned furniture that no one used, a playroom when the kids were small, a mini den that no one used, and NOW my creative space! It is wonderful to have an area to call my own in this small cottage we live in. This corner is my sketching corner, complete with a collage wall of art my children have made as well as etsy finds. I love my Keep Calm and Carry on Poster. The cats love it here too, as I mentioned in a previous post.

A friend asked me if I would be willing to make a painting for over her sofa in her living area. I jumped at this opportunity! I find however, that in newer built homes, architects or builders one are creating these huge spaces vertically. These massive two story walls create a visual nightmare in my opinion. Too small a painting looks silly, and too big is too costly for most of my friends. After you hang the painting, then do you put more around, up, left, right? Ellie's neighbor wants me to paint something as well and she too has this massive wall issue. Ellie's wall has two wall sconces that we were working between for this painting. We decided on a square 40" x40". I love the square canvas. I had a fabric swatch, yes, I know good art doesn't HAVE to match the sofa, but for many, including myself, I do like my color palette to be consistent with the rest of my large space. If I'd painted with orange and blue, although they are huge Auburn fans, it would have be an eyesore instead of this pleasing serene landscape.

Here is the almost finished piece. I am going to add a bit more yellow to the bottom of those way too white stems and have a gorgeous salvage frame made for it. I'll snap a photo of it in its' home once it's installed. For now, Ellie is happy and I am tickled with the end results. I just love painting wheat landscapes. I'll admit that not using my regular color palette of blues was a challenge, but resulted in a new look for me that I am very proud to share!