On the radio this morning they were interviewing some comedian. The host mentioned his website and his "happy list". I thought about it on the ride home and decided what a great blog idea! This list was fun to make, and there are tons more on the written side, but here are some shots of my top 7 in no particular order (you know blogger won't let you re-arrange)! So what makes you happy? Have you ever sat down and really thought about that?
1. My sweet cottage home. When it's clean, I am definately happiest!
2. My man, Billy. He's so very handsome to me, especially in his cowboy boots and suit.
3. Cutie Mailey painting. Oh that is such a happy little painting...where did you get the idea?
4. My baby Lily...yes I know she is a dog.
5. A bucket full of paints...oh the fun we have together!
6. The handsome #2 man in my life, William.
7. A finished painting that I can't part with.

Some other things...
eating cookie dough out of the bowl with Mailey
roasting marshmallows in our witches pot
swinging the kids on the swingset my Daddy and Husband built
going to baseball games to watch William play
taking pictures with my super camera
quiet time
hearing Mailey and William giggle
Billy calling in the middle of the day for no reason (very rare)
call from a friend to go play somewhere
an Etsy sale
a good Blog read
shaved legs
freshly painted toes
playing guitar and singing LOUD when no one is around
painting of course
cards in the mail
Christmas morning...especially the stockings
hearing the kids yell,"Daddy's home!"
Lilly's, well everything about Lily
finding Ellie the cat on my art desk snoozing
teaching my art classes
helping in my kids classrooms at school
eating school lunch on the tables outside with M & W
listening to Mailey read
listening to William read
hearing the kids sing along to my favorite CDS (Like Allison Krauss- Oh, Atlanta)
walking with Ellie around Lake Peacthree
going to the capitol to see Billy in action...maybe that goes under the proud list?
butterflies on my bushes outside the window here
Mailey's to-do list drawn on a paper towel
the laundry done
a clean house
the beach
a good night's sleep
junkin' with Valerie
being a stay at home Mommy and artist
Okay, I could probably keep going, but that's it for now. It'll be fun to go back and look at this list a couple of months from now. I challenge you to make a brainstorm list like this. I literally just took 5 minutes and wrote as many down as I could. I realized after writing them that not only do these things make me happy, but most are people and things that I am so very thankful that I have in my life. They are also little blessings. And I count them everyday.