Seriously, we love the fair. The smells, the noises, the crisp air. It's great. I remember going once as a child, although my sister Molly swears we went every year. Since moving to Coweta County we do try and attend our local fair every year. I've just got have my yearly candy apple! This year however, between baseball, football,
RAIN, and then a super cold snap, we were not able to attend. Bummer. I did however manage to get my children's art into the competition. That's a big tradition for us. It's amazing what people bring for judging: veggies, cakes, pies, quilts, bread, pickles (I wouldn't mind judging that), goats, pigs, chickens, cows, art and more! What a great community event, I can't help but smile as I walk around at the variety of entries. And who doesn't love a ribbon? So for my little artists I took 3 pieces each. Here are Mailey's pieces:

And yes, those are all blue ribbons! She was super excited about that! And here are William's three pieces:

Can you tell where he gets his influence? Nah.......Again, blue ribbons all around. And they are always more excited receiving these than the ribbons:

Yes-sir-ree. You get money for ribbons in our fair! So, what are they going to buy with those checks? Who knows, but it'll be so sweet to watch them spend it.
On a studio note.....I just HAVE to give you a sneak-peaky at the project underway. This project is taking
SO much patience and
SO much time. Hopefully they will dry soon so I can paint them! I also want to share my influences with you. So check back soon!