I just love springtime. Over the 15 years we've lived in our home I've planted many, many flowering plants in our yard. I learned quickly that our soil LOVES plants and actually accelerates their growth patterns. I'd like to think it's the love planted right in with the bulbs, and there may be a little truth to this statement, but mostly it's just amazing soil. Anyhoo....this time of year little blooms start appearing all over the yard that have been sleeping quietly throughout the winter. One of my favorites is the candy tuff. At least I think that's it's name. It comes back every year with little white cotton candy like blooms. It's low to the ground with deep green fern-like foliage. It makes me happy seeing it everyday from now until winter calls it back to the ground. These blooms play a huge role in my art. They do. The innocence of their existence inspires many a "Spring Bloom" painting in the studio. Just like this one below:
And now they inspire some new jewelry. I, like many of you out there, are smitten with these tiny flower cabochons. I can not quit buying them on etsy. I have hundreds(seriously). But figuring out what to do with them, now that was the trick. Until I made the birdcage and mattie bird necklace for my Solo Show Opening outfits the flowers were all nestled in a divided plastic container. I guess a bit like flowers in winter waiting to bloom. And then it just sorta hit me.....why can't I do this with these?