I recently posted a comment on Facebook that I really did not need to see the new movie with Sarah Jessica Parker. Yeah...nope. You see, I live that movie daily. In High Definition. With mac Daddy 3-D glasses, a giant buttery popcorn and occasionally a yummy box of Dark Chocolate covered raisins. Yum, right?? This past week has been such a whirlwind of getting ready for next week. And what is next week you ask? Well, I am leaving for Portland, Oregon to attend and teach at Art and Soul!!!! Woooohoooooo!! I am like in pinch me mode. It's here. It's here!

So back to the teaching, this week I've been a very busy girl getting ready to go. In fact, if I wasn't so organized my supplies would not have made it. I went to UPS today and my 4 large boxes will not get there until next Thursday! Talk about cutting it close. Geesh.....So all the supplies for the classes are on a truck along with lots of goodies for vendor night. I'll be sharing more about my classes later this weekend, but I wanted you to see some behind the scenes. Tile frames were cleaned and tiled, tiles were printed, magnets printed, and goody bag items gathered. (Seriously fun goody boxes peeps....serious)
So all I have left to do before I leave is gather the supplies for the classes I am taking and make finishing touches on some felted friends for vendor night. And get a pedicure, get my hair cut and colored, pack lots of fun clothing, grocery shop for the family, prepare meals for family, laundry all done, substitute lessons finished and samples made and get with sub....you get the idea. Like I said, I am wearing serious 3D glasses here this week. But when I get through to this time next week I will get a dream come true. And that's worth every ounce of energy I've expended the past week. Yep. Sigh.

I will be in 2 !!! of your classes , can hardly wait!!!
christine rohloff
Jenni, I am thrilled that you are getting to live part of your dream... and i'm sending you lots of hugs to deep you going, i'm exhausted thinking about what you have to get done!!!
Yeah!!! See you in Portland then...and you are getting 2 mac daddy goody boxes!! If it all gets to Portland safely that is....
You're such an inspiration to me! One of these days I'll be there too...
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