I had intended to post this last Sunday...but was super excited about my jewelry (you know that I am not making anymore but really I am), then the Guest Curator post came....so it's now the next weekend, but I did want to post this. You know how I like to talk feelings and life in regards to my creative journey. It's cheap therapy honestly. That and running.
Last Saturday was just one of those days where I found myself recharging. It was an amazing day weather wise. One can only be happy on days like that in the south. When the humidity and the heat finally break and you see the fall light at the end of the tunnel. We savor fall here. It doesn't last nearly long enough. So onto Saturday. It actually started for me at 6am. I ran a 10K right here in this blissful part of Coweta County:
I ran the fastest I'd ever run. And finished a short 5 minutes after the first place female runner in my age group!! I was so wound up after this. Seriously. You see it was my first 10K (yeah, I signed up for a half marathon before running anything over 3 miles in my life). I was beaming with excitement!! Plus it was a total Jeep topless day...see my happy soul? Brings back so many memories of Jeep days gone by.

Mailey, Julie and I then sped off to get my weekly allotment of fresh goat cheese and homeade pasta from the PTC Farmer's Market. If you live in our area I highly recommend making a trip to the Saturday market!! It is heavenly!! After that we were off to Shakerag Arts Festival. This is an annual art show in Peachtree City....it's the one I met Joy and Tiffin at in '09. Sweet
Joy below is the only one still doing the show. Doesn't she look like my sister? Her booth was magical, and from what I understand it was a great sales weekend for her. I love for my artsy friends to succeed. Makes my heart full.
After that we all went home, added a few more little girls to the mix and off to the studio Lily and I went (to hide honestly). The studio HAD to be cleaned. Like in a bad way. I swear the messy fairies visit it. That and spiders. Ewww..Man it felt good to get it all sparkly. I've another PSW tomorrow. And I like it perfect for them.
I just love this spot in the studio. It's right by a window that often gets visits from Momma and baby deer....they come peek in the window at me. Its kinda magical and freaky all wrapped in one moment. It looks like they look right into your soul. Once it was ALL clean and all the girls were gone I sat back and started to paint again. In my spot. I even woke up at 6am Sunday and ran back down to work accompanied by this:

Yummy pepermint hot cocoa given as a party favor by the super woman herself
Tiffin. I tell you all of this because lately I don't get much time in the studio. But that's okay. I made a deal with myself at the end of the school year that this year would be different. That I'd create for me when I could....but my family would always come first. And so far its working out that way. Sometimes I get in a tissy about not getting to enjoy the studio more often. It is dreamy. But last year near about killed me. No lie. This time last year I was still unpacking boxes in the new house, getting ready to teach 2 classes at Art and Soul for the first time, getting ready for the Country Living Fair, teaching again full-time for the first time in 11 years (with that means learning 400 students), coaching William on the BB Team, getting kids to all their weekly activities, Billy was still full mode Representative, and more. It was enough to make a person loose their mind. I wondered why I literally weighed 115 pds this time last year. That is a nutty weight for me BTW...
One year later I find myself loving a weekend that I can spend Saturday leisurely playing with a house full of 5th grade girls then clean the studio. On Sunday I took William to his tournament and sat all day, not once worrying about what I've got to do when I get home. There's less worry that I am an art failure. It's a life changing feeling. Do I want more for my art career? Heck yeah!! Do I get irritated sometimes when I see what others are doing and I'm not? Yes. But I've got a plan. It just might take longer because right now my priorities are where they need to be. These kids of mine are growing at super speed and I want to savor it. The braces, the pimples, the moods and the of course all the joys. I am not going to miss it because I've got to get my etsy shop updated or else. Or make a crazy assortment of things to sell at a show. I think I've been leading to this for a spell. And I've made changes here in the blog too. Good things come to those who wait. I believe in the goodness of my work. And look forward to sharing it with you. Just know that what I make now comes from a special place and a special time. It's not made in haste because it has to, but rather because it wants to. You see it too though I am sure. My work is softer, sweeter and more simple. And if you saw me in person you'd see that I am happier and healthier (115pds is long gone). Yeah. I truly....truly love this creative journey and can not thank you enough for all your support over the years as I make my mark one little stroke at a time.