Over the past two weeks I have embarked on a new journey with my art. That of a roadie. And man has it been a roller coaster of a two weeks. Actually its been more like 4 total getting ready. I know because that's how many weeks it has been since I truly cleaned my house! Getting ready for these two events was fun and exciting though, and truly worth all the hours of work! So here's how it all went.....
First up was the Annual Wesleyan Artist Market. It was a three day event in Norcross. I want you to picture me in the truck, loaded to the max with stuff not only in the truck bed, but the truck's cab. I looked like I'd just come from a major run at Lakewood! I pull up to this amazing school about 12 noon, right at set up time. Walking onto the campus I am amazed at the beauty of the buildings first, and the landscaping, and the children in little uniforms, and oh my I was not in
Newnan anymore! I notice first off that everyone is just carrying in their nice paintings wrapped in blankets, or in portfolios, no big trucks loaded quite like mine.
Hmmmm.... I wander into the gym and quickly have to take a deep breath in and remember to stay calm, very calm. You see, I had visualized, practiced and test run my 10' x10' booth for weeks. Upon arrival, it is no longer shaped like a 10' x 10' square and there are
pre-set dark wood panels already in place for each artist. I find my location among the sea of walls, speak to someone in charge, ask polite questions, then call Valerie on the verge of tears. She basically tells me to put my big girl panties on and make it work! Good advice, and that was just what I did. Everyone one at the school was super helpful and using a handy cart and a parent
volunteer, I got everything in two loads and started to work the magic. In fact while unloaded my items, a parent wandering around the gym
spotted a painting she just had to have and I sold one before we even started our night.
Yipee I say! And that was just the beginning.

I luckily had a side wall I could use to put my cool yellow cart full of pick up items, one of my five panels, and more.

Here I am in the center of the booth. You see, I used my white panels
after all. And boy am I glad I did. I was a breath of fresh air from the dark panels of everyone else. I had so many people wander around the corner, or up the aisle and say "Wow, your art makes me so happy." or "It looks like the beach." And so many more kind comments.

I stopped on the way in for fresh flowers. Another breath of freshness to my little space.

Here is an overall view so you can see how we were set up. There were about 60 artists. Most were full-time artists in galleries and everything! I was amongst giants I told my peeps back home. Really. I sold like crazy, which made me so very happy. (10 paintings! and tons of little stuff)
It was a great first show. I can't say enough about how kind everyone was. So helpful and visible, and just Wow, is all I can say. No words to describe it truly, but I really feel blessed for a first timer. Oh, and I really can't not mention my new art friends Jaqueline and Phyliss. They were super kind to me throughout the three days. I also have to thank my Mom for coming and staying the night and helping me Friday, she was such a proud Mommy! Also thanks to all my buddies from Newnan that came, and my Dad, Barbara and Chan for coming all the way from Harpersville! It was so encouraging to have all of your support! THANKS!
So, will I go again, heck yeah! I also got "scouted" by some people from other private school art markets. I look forward to hearing from them soon!