Sometimes I like to be the's true. I like going to a class where the only thing I have to bring is my apron. I like being told what to paint where. I like painting something I've never painted before or thought to paint really. I like starting with a red/brown background (whoda thought that right?). Yep. Last night's 2 hour owl painting class was very refreshing and perhaps just the therapy I needed to break free from my funk.

I know...funk? Jenni? Yes funk. Like I can't even stand to go in the basement and look at the mess because it stresses me out that I have too much stuff and I can't think or create when there's stuff everywhere and I want to clean it up but can't because I've not really felt good or myself since January 19th and I had to finish the 52 canvases or get the picture? So last night, first meeting up with an old friend whom I've not done anything with in oh...Valerie would you say like 3 years? Was good, and then painting the above cutest ever owl really made my heart swoon. Sherry taught the class with ease and I just let her direct me. Which is not easy for me to be honest. To just let go and let others lead. But I liked it and think that the next opportunity I have to take her class again I will. Care to join in?
1 comment:
My 23 month old is obessed with your painting. He keeps saying "hello owl" over and over again. When I click off the page we starts asking "where did my owl go?" I can't blame him, it is a really cute paintings!
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