7 Weeks. Yep.
7 Weeks.
7 WEEKS! There's no time for this Lily, we must get going!
I am a regular reader of the
papernstitch blog. Brittni does an amazing job not only writing her own posts, but she selects guests to post on her blog. My favorite series is written by the clever
Brenda of Phydeaux Designs. She writes a blog column entitled
Crafty Business. Any crafter will tell you that the business side is the hardest to manage, it's a left brain activity. And since as a general rule crafters are right-brained, we all need our hands held while navigating the business side of our business.
My favorite post so far has been this
one on SMART goals. So clever. I am a goal setter and list maker. But, are they really SMART goals? Brenda says that, "SMART goals are just goals that do set you up for success. It takes a little practice to change your goals from “I want to do X” to “I will do X in this specific way by this specific date. SMART is an acronym: Specific, Measurable, Achievable or attainable, Realistic, Timely”"
So starting today, I am making a weekly SMART goal list and posting it on my blog. It will help hold me accountable, keep me on track, and make me really think about what direction my business seems to be taking. So here goes:
1. add legs and stands to felted birdies made on St. Simons trip
2. take photos of felted birds, download and upload into flickr
3. take photos of pendants, download, upload to flickr
4. add pendants to etsy listings
5 make dinner and sit at the family table 4 nights (this will be the hardest with our schedule!)
I'm off to start some legs now! I hope you have a SMART crafty week yourself. J