When you invite a bunch of people over for dinner, are you like me and feel like you've gotta transform your house? You know, like re-do something or do a massive clean out or your know maybe paint something? No? Ok. I thought I was a little impulsive crazy and now I know! Ha! But seriously, I do have this urge when I know company's coming. I suppose since we never entertain, I get so excited when we do that my nervous energy turns on the house and I do things I'd had on the "honey do list" for months. So Saturday night we were supposed to have a bunch of our baseball team over for a cook out and flash light Easter egg hunt. We all agreed that our boys were not too old for egg hunting, but the church egg hunt did. So a flash light hunt seemed the perfect plan! Except, the boys played in a baseball shoot out and guess what, they of COURSE made it to the championship game, which was played at 8:00PM last night. And we lost, and no one got to come over. Yep. Total bummer on many, many levels. Good news though, my little house got a much needed face lift and now I am motivated to do more!

So here's my spicey front door. I've been wanting to fill holes in the trim from decorations and give the door a fresh lighter look. Whatcha think?

I just love it! Really lightens up the little front door nook. I am on the look now for this front door mat I saw at out Target with blue birds on it. Of course when I went to buy it the other day it was gone. Surely I can find it at another store.

Always the store owner, I had to put a vignette in the yard to represent spring. So I unearthed the old red wagon, painted it blue and planted it with white inpatients and some yellow flowers. Love the chick I found at Scott's awhile back. This is at the front right as you walk to the door. I had to do something with the negative space where the GIANT bushes once laid. Yep, the other crazy project I started.

So here's my little cottage. With 14 year old boxwoods all across the front. We don't believe in "grooming" them into crazy little shapes. We like free form. And so they have free formed for 14 years into these massive forms. Practically covering the house. So Thursday afternoon I decided to trim them back, and clean out the beds, etc. Since we were having an egg hunt I figured the yard needed a little sprucing up as well. Well, you see I started where the circle is drawn above with hedge clippers (which during this time I hedge clipped the extension cord right in half ! Yikes!). During which I said to myself, "I really don't like these bushes any more. I think I'll dig them up." Yep. That's what I said, and what I started at 3 o'clock on Thursday afternoon. I gave out on bush #3. 14 year old roots I do believe grow to China. Geesh. So the arrow points to the ones that still need to go. A friend suggested tying it to the truck and gunning it. I'm afraid that the roots are attached to the house and that if I do that the house will follow suit! So, it's Easter morning and my body after almost three days of company coming work is exhausted. I am really looking forward to lunch with my wonderful family, a little egg hunting, and later some painting. Yes, I am getting the paints back out. whooohoooo. I have a this whole new idea series in my head. And well, just like with the yard, my impulsive gotta do it behavior crosses over into all aspects of my little life. Hope you have a blessed day!!
Jenni, I do feel the need to overhaul my house before company. It's great because then those projects get done. Except now I don't want to entertain anymore because it became too much work to overhaul. And now my projects don't get done!
And I love, love the door. I wouldn't have thought of this beautiful color for a door, and it looks perfect.
I too love to "re-do" something before company comes over. There is a great pride that comes with visitors complimenting your home after you've put alot of work into it. love your blog, by the way!
Well I am proud of you for figgerringg out the charger!! We might need to work on the nomenclature just a bit...
Looking forward to more relaxed weekends at Woodrow's.
Pawpaw A
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