That's right girls, get out your sticky note pads, because this one is a keeper. It's a real motivator, a real kick in the pants, and a real Hallmark sticky note word to the wise.

Laugh! Now, I have a pretty good sense of humor (I think). I mean, I make people around me laugh all the time. I know, that could be a sense of naivety, not sense of humor. But laughter, whether through my naive comments, or my true witty wisdom is the best medicine for the soul.

So many words in my art lately. Don't know where this is coming from. But I like it. Most are not my words, but I like them anyways. These are my words though. Should I patent them now? Or is it copyright? Whatever it is, I don't think anyone would steal my panty line. Get it? See I told you I'm funny! :)
love everything about this piece!
where would we be without a great sense of humor? it's adorable and fun.
I love it, great for Whimsy!!
Very cute!
A sense of humor is everything. By the way, this is so very adorable.
HilAriOus!! very cute AND laughable, what a gift!!
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