So today I decided that this new drill, that I
LOVE, was designed by a man. Yep. A man with a sense of humor even, or maybe a sick sense of humor. Well, why Jenni do you think this? I'll just tell you. So today I am toodling along on all my projects for this weekend's show. I love the week before a show. The excitement, the packing, the last minute details. Love it. And then the drill dies. Drats. Now I've yet to have to recharge the new drill, so I slide off the battery from the bottom of the handle, find the charger plug that came with the drill and begin a search.

A search to find where the heck to stick this plug so I can charge the battery. Hum.........I searched, and searched. And since I think manuals are for sissies and they clutter my house, but seriously if you saw my house, and the things I keep this statement is really not true!

So I begin to get a weeeee bit frustrated. Alas, my computer will find the answer! So I search for a manual online and find photos instead of my drill for sale. Ok, so check to be sure I have everything. Check. But maybe I was supposed to buy a charging base separate? So I call Lowe's. Yep. Called Lowe's just like a dingy blond would to ask how to charge my drill. Seriously. And the very nice gentleman explained to me that yes, I would need to charge the battery on the drill when it died. No duh. And he assured me that there was a base to plug this battery into. And I assured him that there was not a base and that what I had in my hand was a wall plug and pokey thing. And the pokey thing had no hole to plug into the base. While politely explaining this to him I walked into the sunroom, looked down at the drill on the floor and saw this:

Yes the
HOLE. On the back of the handle of the drill. I explain to the gentleman that I have finally found the hole and he says to me, "You aren't supposed to charge the handle, just the battery. The battery is what needs to be plugged in and charged." I gently explained to him that the hole in which to stick the pokey thing was in the handle and NOT the battery. Actually the battery had to be re-slid onto the drill to charge! He was completely confused at this point and I said very politely thanks but I've got it now and have a fabulous day. Good bye.

So here
she sits on the counter by our yummy cookies charging away. Yeah! Oh I almost forgot, the part about this definitely being designed by a man. Despite the ridiculous sliding off of the battery, I mean why? It doesn't do anything on it's own does it? Why not keep it attached? But just look at where and how this thing charges. I'm just saying.........
(you get it yet?)
That is pretty annoying and confusing!! The battery comes off because you can get different size batteries that hold longer charges for heavier jobs. The batteries do have bases somewhere out in the world that are sold separately. I hate those things, though. They rarely hold a charge for very long!
Hi, Jen
I agree built by a man....I have this one but it came with the base that the battery slides onto.Maybe they are only sold in Canada..hehe Anyways have a great weekend.
Cheers Kim
You gave me a good laugh before I head off to work. thanks!
Thanks for the laugh! So true. Good luck at your show.
pokey thing.
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