Whew. What a whirlwind of a weekend. So here's a picture of my paintings at the Wesleyan School Show on Thursday night at the reception.

And the jewelry on the side. They are funny about space at this show. Most artists just use the three panels provided. But me, being the "multi-media" artist has to have an end spot so I can
spread out a bit. I placed my jewelry on the right side of my painting display, which in a way was a disadvantage because people didn't know that the same artist did it all.

This is rather lengthy show. But the people that host, attend and participate are like liquid gold. So you want to come back, even when you know sales may not be that good. The atmosphere is relaxed, they handle all sales, and the weather doesn't matter because it's inside. The first year I attended I sold like 20 paintings. Seriously. Last year a little less. And this year, well, it wasn't good (one). But the jewelry sales made up for it and then some. So it's all good. Just different because the jewelry is rather new for me. But man am I glad I had it there!

I did bolt down to the Capitol after the opening reception to see the end of this lengthy session. It is the longest session in 100 years they say. For two hours I took shots of this and that and tried to stay awake. I love this chandelier in the rotunda of the room.

Billy visited the well at 10:45 one last time before the controversial gun bill vote. It passed by the way. Not gonna get into it here, but I was quite proud of how he handled the darts.

And when the stroke of midnight hit, the doors opened to both chambers so that the Speaker of the House and the Senate could see each other across the Capitol. The phone call came over, and the ginormous gavel was pounded. Traditionally the speaker says "All in favor of ending this session, etc. etc....say I" and they all yell really loud, "No". Then he pounds the gavel and says "I now declare this session Sine Die". Something like that anyways. It's really cool. And then the paper flies. And we all go back to life as normal. Well, if you call our life normal anyways.

I was so tired by this time it was not even funny. I headed back to Norcross to sleep in the hotel, Billy back to Newnan. sigh. BTW, qualifying was last week and once again we have NO opponent. whew. We started this little adventure when Mailey was 2 and William 4. And so far only twice have we had opponents. I like to think it's because he's doing his job and that the people really like him. I sure do. :)