Going Somewhere?

It's That Time Again
Maybe it's the strangely warm temperatures in Georgia, or maybe it's my crazy busy artsy schedule, but I am freaking out a tinge that it's time to pull down the red Rubbermaids from the attic! Our daughter Mailey was chomping at the bit to get down the carolers before Thanksgiving. So we did. And it was kind of fun to get them out so early to enjoy their silly little singing faces. No sooner had the turkey filled our bellies was she bugging us to get out the tree. So we did. And then last night as a family we decorated the beautifully flocked tree. We turned on the Christmas music loud and sang and ooooed and ahhhed over the ornaments. Just like a sappy Hallmark commercial....seriously. It was time to place the angel on the tree and I quickly ran to get Cherish, you know the new angel I made for our tree this year? Well let me tell ya, my kids went crazy! NO! Mom they said, we always use Grandmother's angel...and Mailey remembered it was her year to gently place it into position. I have to admit I do love her shining face looking out over our Christmas tree.
Speaking of like, here is the #1 ornament of conversation at our house. And the family voted favorite. The stories we have about this man, well it brings back many happy memories.......
My mother-in-law surprised me with this squealing cute ornament this year. Am I a lucky gal or what?Yep, we are all happy campers here at the Horne house. I'm hoping you've had a moment to do a little decorating as well. We are hosting the family Christmas this year in our little bungalow, so I'll be going ALL out with the decorating. Just as soon as the show this weekend is over and my house is no longer a giant art studio.
All smiles....sending your way some puffy hearts and hoping to hear about your favorite ornaments soon!
Hope and Hearts
"hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul, and sings the tune-without the words, and never stops at all" -Emily Dickinson
So, how well do you know your heart these days?
PS Would you like a print of this sweet painting? Then head over here....where you can find one.
Notes on Being Thankful
According to Webster thankful means:
1: concisous of benefit received
2: expressive of thanks
3: well pleased
Where to start really. There are many things to be thankful for in our lives. I love the defnition #1: concious benefit received. So many of us are really not concious of the things in our lives we should be most thankful for. There are obvious things like a home, food on the table, job etc. But the talents, gifts and smalls benefits we receive on a daily basis are not always so easily recognized. Or perhaps one feels ashamed to be thankful for a blessing of good fortune. So here are some pictures of things I am most thankful to have in my life. I am aware of the small things to be thankful for these days. It's all those little things that add up to make a more fulfilling and whole life. And what makes my heart so very full.
1: concisous of benefit received
2: expressive of thanks
3: well pleased
Where to start really. There are many things to be thankful for in our lives. I love the defnition #1: concious benefit received. So many of us are really not concious of the things in our lives we should be most thankful for. There are obvious things like a home, food on the table, job etc. But the talents, gifts and smalls benefits we receive on a daily basis are not always so easily recognized. Or perhaps one feels ashamed to be thankful for a blessing of good fortune. So here are some pictures of things I am most thankful to have in my life. I am aware of the small things to be thankful for these days. It's all those little things that add up to make a more fulfilling and whole life. And what makes my heart so very full.
family: Mailey and William are pictured, but there are many in my heart
gift of creativity and teaching
four legged children (who bring me such joy)
this amazing man
gift of words....and how I can use them to remind others
Like I said, these are just a few things I am most thankful for right now. I hope on this day of Thanksgiving you've taken the time to look around and notice the obvious and not so obvious elements in your life that make life whole. And make your heart so very full as well. xo J
New Toys....I Mean Tools
I love a new hammer. Can't have enough shiny pliers for every jewelry making job, and my new Dremel tool, well let's just say we have a relationship that's a little unorthodoxed. But the newest toys...I mean tools, in the toy... I mean tool box, are amazing!! This is my new punch tool for those copper blanks I love to use:
I think my favorite though is the one above with the little square grid. I love the way the darkening catches as much or as little of the squares as you want. Ooooweeee...this is going to open up a new avenue for me.

Oh, and should you feel the need to add these toys to your box, you can find them in the lovely Hodgpodgerie's etsy shop.
The Shape of Love
Friday afternoon Mailey came running up the hill, bounded into the house and said, "MOM, I found something for you!!" "What is it Mailey?" "Look it's a heart shaped leaf!" "OH MY!" Love really does come in all shapes and sizes, doesn't it?
Bracelet Love
Just sending you a little bracelet love this morning. I've had these copper bangles in my drawer of tricks since taking an enameling class over a year ago. They obviously never got enameled. They were waiting to become little words of encouragement instead. Oh they make me so happy!
If you are around the Altanta area, come on to exit 93 Shallowford Road off I-85. It's St. Pius Catholic High School's Holiday Marketplace today from 9-3PM. Me, and ALL my little baubles are there waiting to meet you! Have a lovely weekend in case I don't see you!
Embrace: to clasp in the arms, to encircle, to enclose, to include, to cherish, to take in, to welcome, to LOVE.
What a powerful definition of a word, right? When I painted this almost one year ago, I doubt I truly embraced the meaning I was putting into the words on the canvas. I embrace things daily....and hope you do as well. From my children, husband, family, Lily, my home, and my dear friends. But embracing let's say.... my business, or ME for that matter, let' get real, no. It seems a tinge bit selfish to embrace yourself, right? To truly to embrace yourself you have to let go of self-doubts, of anger, of pity, of you know.... all those whattheheckareyoudoing? monsters in your head. So I challenge you with Thanksgiving on the horizon to stop and think about what you are beyond in love with about yourself. Like so beyond giddy about it makes you cross-eyed. And welcome those things back into your life. Because once you truly cherish your being, you will find that all the other little elements in life will fall neatly into place. Yep. They will. I pinky promise.
I'm sitting in the studio, it's late. But I can't sleep for some reason. It's really eerie sounding out tonight with the wind rustling the wet leaves. The seasons are slowly changing here in Georgia. Seriously slowly. One more day of flip flop weather and I am cutting off my jeans into "Daisy Dukes". Yep, that'll be a lovely site.
For some reason, I am feeling like there is newness on the horizon for me and my paintbrush friends. I've taken some serious leaps of faith with the business side of Mattie.....I can't wait for you to see where she'll be appearing. And art shows are so close I can taste the cotton candy. Billy and I are out of a hole we never thought would end, and honestly, life couldn't be any stronger for either of us. I couldn't help but laugh out loud as I was cleaning the kitty geriatric messes and he was reading the stupid Club Penguin Book with Mailey tonight. And this was after a 2 hour gun safety and shooting class with the kids. I mean seriously? Comic penguins? AND gun safety in one night? Anyhoo.....Billy turn 43 tomorrow. He doesn't read my blog, so he won't be embarrassed that I am telling you his old age. I am a good bit younger mind you......I was in junior high when he graduated high school. hehehehe cradle robber indeed!
For some reason, I am feeling like there is newness on the horizon for me and my paintbrush friends. I've taken some serious leaps of faith with the business side of Mattie.....I can't wait for you to see where she'll be appearing. And art shows are so close I can taste the cotton candy. Billy and I are out of a hole we never thought would end, and honestly, life couldn't be any stronger for either of us. I couldn't help but laugh out loud as I was cleaning the kitty geriatric messes and he was reading the stupid Club Penguin Book with Mailey tonight. And this was after a 2 hour gun safety and shooting class with the kids. I mean seriously? Comic penguins? AND gun safety in one night? Anyhoo.....Billy turn 43 tomorrow. He doesn't read my blog, so he won't be embarrassed that I am telling you his old age. I am a good bit younger mind you......I was in junior high when he graduated high school. hehehehe cradle robber indeed!
Sometimes I do I good job of listening, other times I talk too much. I know this about me. Hey, at least I ADMIT it. The past few days have come and gone so quickly that I don't remember much of what anyone person said except the doc saying, "the margins are clean" and the car shop repairman saying, "this belt needs replacing Mrs. Horne". I think I cried when both things were said. What crazy things to compare, right? But my point to the whole matter is, I am listening. I am listening to what doctors say, what friends are saying, what friends are not saying, what car repairmen are saying, what the gun safety man is saying, what my Girl Scout Troop leader is saying, what my child's teacher is saying, what fB is saying, what my Mother is saying, what my children are saying, what my husband is not saying and yet saying, what my Mother-in-law-is saying, and last but not least, what my heart is saying. And that is this. Eliminate. Take away. Get rid of. LISTEN to me. Start fresh. And listen to your heart. Hey, the head says what you want, the heart what you need. So be on the look out. Mattie's Social Circle is beginning to encompass a new boundary. And I so hope that you will be joining the journey and encouraging the circle's growth. Because it's going to be good.
Home WIll Always Know Me
This lovely mixed media painting says, "It's good to know that home will always know me." I've been in Birmingham for the past 4 days, my childhood home. And although I've not lived there in about 20 years, it still feels like home. It still feels comfortable. It still makes my heart tickle when I drive over the mountain and see that great big bronze guy pointing towards the sky. Birmingham still calls to me. Everytime I leave, a small part of my soul longs not to leave. In fact, I returned quite reluctantly this time around. Of course my reason for being home was for personal reasons, and this made leaving even harder. But nonetheless, a part of me wanted to turn around a stay.
Billy and I used to talk about moving there and raising the kids, getting out of the Atlanta race. And then he got elected.....and elected and twice more elected. So we've planted ourselves here in Newnan. We've grown deeper roots and adjusted our lives to be fulfilled and meaningful in this community. I can't imagine leaving here. But on the flip side I can imagine a new life beginning there for us one day. For now though, life has to move forward in Newnan. I have much on the horizon both personally and work related. It's going to be a great holiday season. And hopefully, I'll get back home to Birmingham very soon.
Mattie's Flea Booth
I really don't know why, but for some reason I've been obsessing over my little 8x8' booth at the Flea for some time now. On my way to Marist I swung by Heeney wholesale florist (to the tune of $350) for more Christmas merchandise. I wanted it to be magical in my booth. I know, many tell me just set up like you do for shows. But for some reason I can't. It has to be different. More. Different.
There are so many special items to buy in the booth; items with my art printed on them to glass votives lovingly embellished with paper flowers and vintage finds.
Oooo...and the Santa necklaces below, you just gotta have one. The pendant has been gently place on my favorite antique brass bee bee chain. I think they are priced at just $12.oo too!
Of course, as mentioned in the prior post there are plenty of glass jars with gentle messages about living life to the fullest.
And lots of fun ornaments to adorn your tree. All have been embellished with a loving touch by me. :)
Little Jars of Happiness
It's hard to believe that someone would donate these beautiful spice jars to the thrift store. Man, when I saw them I seriously giggled inside. And placed them so quickly into my cart it woulda made your head spin (I may have even hid them under something in my cart for fear of someone seeing them...hehehe)!The creative juices were in overdrive this day! I knew I'd seen a cool idea for glass jars in a past issue of Somerset Life....now where was that darn issue.....I never found it but, I'm pretty certain my own version turned out just fine.
I had a field day embellishing and adding goodies to these little glass vials of happiness. Seriously my art studio looked like a bomb went off in it. I kept thinking, "OOOO...I could put these in the bottle, or this or that, or man this would be fabulous!!" I was like a kid in a candy shop yesterday in my own studio!There is a special shop in Birmingham I like to visit called White Flowers. I can walk around the store for hours and become so inspired I want to go out and spend wayyyyy too much money on stuff to make what I saw. One of the items I saw over my reunion weekend where these amazing glass bottles filled with treasured and sealed with yummy drippy wax. Well wouldn't you know it, I just happen to have some encuastic wax in my garage getting old. I was able to seal all the little treasures permanently in their glass encasements with the most yummy smelling wax ever. And how intriguing does this waxy seal make the bottle have? Love it.
I pulled out all the stops: words, charms, vintage buttons, trims, paper flowers, crepe paper, vintage mercury glass beads, and more. I was really quite sad when the jar bowl was empty.
So where can you find these waxy sealed bottles of goodness? At The Vintage-Flea in downtown Newnan. OOOO....and the Holiday Open House on the Square is Sunday from 12-5PM. It's a wonderful way to spend the day south of Atlanta! Hope to see you there!
Cherishing the Cold
Hello there blog friends! Mailey and I are back from our Girl Scout camping trip. I have to tell you, I was SO looking forward to it, I know crazy right? No computer, tv, music, paints, projects, cell phone coverage, husband, son, Lily, or friends. Just Mailey and I, with 22 other Girl Scouts and leaders. (18 girls, 6 adults) We hiked Saturday for almost 2 hours soaking in the natural beauty around us. And you know what? Not ONE girl ever complained. We just all walked and walked, and talked, and looked, and listened. You know, we really listened. We stopped at one point along the way and asked the girls to all be real still and quiet and listen to what you did not hear. Then we asked what they did hear. It was beautiful noise....rustling trees, our simple inhaling, birds, wind, stillness. Saturday night once the sun went down we all hiked to a large open field, laid down and just star gazed. Oh my, I totally lost myself in that night sky. We have stars where we live, but there on that open field with no lights and no man made noises...it was spectacular. Now I have to also add into the mix that it was cold. Very cold in fact. We Southerners wear flip flops until October and start back in February some years, so cold is something we really have to adapt our bodies to. But the girls, they just bundled up and went on! I personally love the cold and feel more alive and happier during the cold days.
I made a big step and put myself out there to teach on the national level....and got word upon my return last night that it's a thumbs up. (more details when I know of course!) My ear being cancer free was huge news. And lastly, I had in the mail a VERY nice check from the Naked Art Gallery. Yep. The cold has come and set me on a new path with a clearer head and an open spirit.
Oh A Camping We Will Go
Hey guys! By the time you are reading this I'll be well on my way to Camp Misty Mountain with our Girl Scout Troop. It's been crazy getting ready for this weekend.....so many girls, leaders and ideas. But somehow we managed to pull it all together for what we are hoping will be an amazing weekend! So......my role this weekend? In the bag of artsy tricks are brown paper bag journals, tree weaving on a branch loom, nature print papers and leaf placemats. I'm also pulling out the singing voice with silly songs like Dr. Nicker Bocker, An Austrain Went Yodeling, and Bubble Gum.
This is our fearless leader Holly and I at the camp out in the spring. This weekend is promising to be freakishly cold. We've packed extra everything to keep our little and big bodies warm. I personally LOVE the cold weather. It makes me happy. It makes me giddy. It makes me want to shoot bourbon.....oopsy, that was a slip. No boozing for us. Instead, I'll be filling my belly with s'mores and hot coco around a fire. So whatcha going to be doing this weekend while I teach silly songs and create extremely outta the box art projects?Yippee for Ears!
Wanna know whyI'm jumping for joy?
The Making of Cherish
A few posts ago I shared a new creation with you. I am going out on a limb today and am sharing a mini-tutorial on making Cherish. Just in case any of you wanted to make your own tree angel. I'm going to keep it very basic, mostly because this was just a whim project that actually turned out pretty nice. I am not usually a sculptor. But as I stated in the post about her, I just felt led to make something that night and grabbed a piece of floral foam, duct tape and a steak knife. I don't know how to write some of the directions, but I think if you are creatively clever, you can figure it out and use my directions as a springboard for your own.
Supplies Needed:
floral foam (the green soft kind)
duct tape
aluminum foil (I use the heavy duty kind)
base for her to stand (I used a vintage light cage turned upside down)
paper mache mix (I love the kind in the bag you just add water to. it comes in gray and in white)
steak knife :)
1. place the floral foam on the base and gently carve out a head and body shape with a steak knife
2. use tin foil on top of the floral foam to give her a skirted affect
3. wrap her in duct tape (floral foam and paper mache do not mix so well.)
4. for arms I rolled tin foil into long tubes and attach using more duct tape. I modeled her arms into the shape I wanted at this point.
5. mix up the paper mache in the bowl and apply it all over her body. now this took some patience on my part.....especially trying to get the facial features. but the mache material is so great and easy to model. I did end up using some of my clay tools to model the nose and eyes.
6. Then she had to dry.....and for days she dried. Finally I got impatient and baked her. In a very low oven because I was so worried she'd crack!
7. Then she sat for a few more days while I pondered how to embellish her. But once that got started, there was no stopping me. I pulled out all the stops, including the sewing machine to make the wings. I wanted her different than most angels I'd seen. I think the fabric patterned wings do just that. After she was painted, the finish was just too perfect looking. So I used some wood stain on her to age her overall appearance. That ended up being the key to her overall loveliness!
Of course you can add any number of goodies to your own angel. I just wanted to give you the base directions. Overall I am thrilled with her appearance and can't wait to top our flocked tree with her this year! And maybe, just maybe, come some more downtime in my crazy life, I'll make a few more angels and birds to sell.
Marist Wrap-Up
As promised, here's a sneak peak at the Marist show. Marist is a show that has been around for years, literally like years and years. I heard someone in the bathroom say it was their 20th time to set-up. It's a mad house at first and then the crowd tends to trickle down. Knowing they have only from 9-4 to shop, ladies come early and ready. This year I roped my friend Amber into helping me. Which I am super glad I did because there were times we were both running credit cards and checking people out in the tiny 9'x9' booth. Yes, I said 9x9. It is amazing what one can pack into this amount of space!!
See all those statement necklaces above? There are only 5 left. And this was just one display of them!
One of my favorite new items that I think was overlooked a bit were these wooden hearts. I hand painted them each a favorite color, sanded and added words. I think they'd be wonderful purse items....words of encouragement that you carry around all day. Or your car somewhere, bedside table, kids back pack or where ever else you don't necessarily have to see the words, but know they are with you. More on this thought later.....
These are wooden ornaments with my favorite red bird on them and the sentiment, "Some people make the world more special just by being in it." Great gifty idea for that special person in your life!
In my new orangey train case are bird gift tags. Such a sweet addition to any gift. Or you could attach it to a bottle of wine for a hostess. The ideas are endless for these birds.
I am trying my best to get organized and get my products down to the Vintage Flea in Newnan. I've got a great booth space there that needs some TLC. However, anything you see that you'd like, just email me and we can get it mailed off to you asap!
Hello Monday
Hey guys! It's Monday night and literally I am just getting my breath from the whirlwind weekend. From the time I left my house Friday am to set up for Marit until now, I have felt a teensy bit like a chicken running around with her head cut off. Which seriously, according to my Momma who has witnessed this action verb phrase first hand, is NOT a pretty sight.
But here is some good news (you know how a glass half full girl I am).....Marist was a great success. Those holiday shows can be so hit or miss. And miss with some stuff I made I did, however this little bauble did not disappoint:
The "Statement Necklace" as I have so lovingly coined it was a huge hit and huge seller. In fact, I gotta get to beading. See ya! No really, it was a great seller. I'll hopefully get my photos uploaded and shared with you later this week. Right now however, I feel led to share some other type of news with you. I guess about a month ago I noticed a bump in the cartilage flat part of my right ear. I thought it was a pimple. Ewww. Right? Even asked some peeps about it. But then it started to change, grow and seriously hurt. So Thursday I was able to squeeze a trip to the dermo amidst all my frenzy for Marist. And I'll be darned if he didn't take snapshots, stick a needle in it and take a slicing. Yep. OUCH. I had joked with my kids earlier in the car that I may get to play Van Gogh for Halloween this year. Ok. So maybe that's not as funny as it had previously sounded. And it is quite honestly consuming my thoughts. If it is skin cancer, how will they get to it without leaving a giant hole in my ear? And then, right now this hurts (I always tell people I do know pain, I HAD natural childbirth folks), what will the real removal feel like? The little "ewww gross Mom" that it is getting from my kids now.....what will it be like when and if the core of it gets removed? So many questions, so much to swirl in my head.
So I found this portrait tonight. Which ironically enough he cut off his right ear, the one in question on my body. And I KNOW skin cancer won't kill me, but seriously why now? I've got bigger issues on my plate, one involving another family member with real cancer. So I just have to go along with my life's mantra that nothing happens by circumstance, that there is a greater purpose and reason for this. And it's not that I need to wear sunscreen. Duh. I do. But maybe it's to stop....look.....and listen to more that is around me. More than being an artist, mother and wife. Just more. You know? More. So tomorrow we are out of school for the election (hehehe) and the kiddos and I are hitting the sky. Literally. Sky hike at Stone Mountain Park that is. I am going unplugged for the day.....so I suppose I'll see you guys back here on Wednesday with a much happier post. I pinky promise!
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