
Snow Boots and Flip Flops

So unless you live under a rock you've heard about the great Snow Storm that hit Atlanta.  It was awesome.  4 days out of school.  5 days before my van could make it up and out of the driveway (This was only after I shoveled the freaking mountain and threw 4 boxes of rock salt on it.  Yes, we stock up on things like rock salt in the south for homemade ice cream making.  Funny story sideline about that.... one year we wanted to make ice cream for 4th of July and couldn't find rock salt anywhere. It was hilarious!  So since then we have on hand a minimum of 3 boxes.  Luckily for me I had those rations in the pantry to sprinkle on my shaded, steep, 2" thick icey driveway Friday!)  Anyhoo...we hunkered down in the house.  We did a bunch of nothing.  NOTHING.  Nothing.  Like really.  Nothing.  Our house got dirty.  My children didn't bathe.  We threw meals together at will.  It was awesome.  Hubby had to work each day.  From the bed.  With at least one dog helping.  I watched movies.  Lots of movies.  I became sore from laying on the couch.  And doing nothing.  It was awesome.  Have I mentioned that yet?  

I've often given thought to what I would do with extra time off.  I imagined creating painting after painting.  Perhaps inventing a new line of amaze-balls jewelry.  Heck...maybe even read a blog post or two.  Or read one of the books piling up by my bed.  Perhaps work on William's room.  But the snow had me mesmerized.  We went outside for hours to play, walk and sled.  Then we'd come in and hit the couch or bed.  Saturday I started to panic about the state of our house.  Especially since we were having a Super Bowl Partay/Birthday for William.  So the house got clean.  I think the kids finally bathed.  And I restocked the bare cupboards.   Oh and William tried out for the High School Baseball team and MADE IT!!  More on that later.  

So it's Monday.  February 3rd.  And I am wearing these on my feet.  Pretty funny if ya ask me.  Because a week ago my feet looked like the above photo.  Oh the difference a week makes when you live in the south.  So... off to teach some munchkins about Russian Art.  I just hope they remember where we left off.  Because my mind is still a little bit slushy.  :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are so funny! Don't we always have grand ambitions to create create create when we think we'll have extra time? LOL And then, at least for me, it rarely happens.

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