
Friday Favs

So today you have to indulge me a bit. It's my son's 10th birthday. Wow. He's grown so fast. So today's Friday favs are going to be my favorite things about.....well, him. 1. He gives amazing bear hugs. 2. He has an amazing smile. One of his front teeth is behind the rest, and I really like that about him. 3. He has an angel's kiss birthmark on his back. 4. He is MORE than patient with his little sister. 4. He has the uncanny ability to play any sport. 5. He has a competitive spirit and doesn't allow anyone to run him over. 6. He's an amazing artist. 7. He has big dreams already for himself. 8. He's a good friend. 9. He's a great son. 10. He loves me unconditionally (I can tell it in his heart he does).
Well, after my rug and floor got all patched up I was given a lovely stomach bug. Hope to be back to normal soon. It's amazing how much weight you can loose in two days when you don't eat though. I got on the scale today and 5 pounds went somewhere (you really don't want to know where, it's a little graphic) between Wednesday and today. Ick is right. So Lily and I are going back to bed now. See ya hopefully on Monday.


Anonymous said...

what a cute post...we mothers do love our sons, don't we....

I hope you are feeling back to normal soon, whatever NORMAL is, right! Just kidding with you!

have a restful and re-coup weekend Mattie...ciao

Cindy at LottieBird said...

he is beautiful.

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