Beaches and Baseball
I'm sending you puffy seashell hearts today. Yep. Billy, Kids, My Mom, Me and like 24 of our close peeps are with us. What? We are here for the Little League World Series!! Playing ball at crazy hours. Eating junk food. Drinking LOTS of cold cheap beer(not at the ball fields of course) and soaking in the sun. And loving every minute of this vacation. We can be nothing but flexible. We can not have set dinner hours. We have no bedtime. What we do have is each other, a load of kids, bats and gloves ready to play with all their hearts. Puffy hearts that is. See you next week!!!
Her Painted Word
Do you ever find yourself sitting at the computer in front of an artist's piece you absolutely can NOT take your eyes off of? Well, that was me, a few weeks ago in this amazing artist's etsy shop.....
So, this summer I decided it was time to get out of the bubble. While in twitter recently I saw Danielle's adorable profile picture (yes, that is how I judge peeking into your twitter file) and remembered her. But her work has evolved over the year since we first met. She always made lovely spiritual paintings of young women, but before they had very different eyes. Now she's painting what I call soulful eyes. Like you could see for miles in the eyes of these women. I was smitten I tell ya. And had to have one. Like I said, I stared for a long spell. Totally smitten with her total collage/paint technique. The eyelids are collage! Puffy heart.
I particularly loved the ones that referenced the mother-daughter, since I have one of those by my side. But Danielle's figures tend to have dark hair, like hers. So I convo'd her and asked if she could paint over the dark hair by chance. She politely replied no, that is was varnished. Hmmm...Well then could you make me a custom one? Low and behold this girl got my painting ready in like a week! She lives in Canada where come to find out they are in the middle of a postal delivery crisis. Could you imagine if our US Post office went on strike???? We'd all be loosing more than sales that's for sure!
So here are the lovelies that came in my package. I freaked out over the one above, the mother with all the birds on her arms. Man, I love that painting!!!! I have it posted on my bookcase for inspiration. So she has a lovely website, blog where she tells the tale of living an artful life, etsy shop and more!! You must pop over and tell her hi! And tell her Jenni sent you.
Pieces of Me...Building Relationships
I've been dreaming since starting this journey as a full-time artist of getting my work past these studio walls. The first door has finally opened on that dream! Wooohoooo!!! Just look where my art has landed! On POM tees! Pieces of Me brand is owned by the adorable Julia Brown. You can not help but gravitate towards her because she radiates so brightly.
This whole experience has been a bit surreal. Meeting her at Serenbe May Day, feeling totally connected to her and she to I, getting the call, getting the art ready, and getting the tees made in time for the Dallas and Denver shows. It has been a whirlwind of a summer indeed!!
I am in love with the whole idea of my art being on these tees. My favorite outfit to wear: a great pair of jeans ( Lucky Jeans always) and a fabulous tee. That's me. So Julia....THANK YOU for getting me out there into the world and helping me to see that I can dream BIG!
This whole experience has been a bit surreal. Meeting her at Serenbe May Day, feeling totally connected to her and she to I, getting the call, getting the art ready, and getting the tees made in time for the Dallas and Denver shows. It has been a whirlwind of a summer indeed!!
I am in love with the whole idea of my art being on these tees. My favorite outfit to wear: a great pair of jeans ( Lucky Jeans always) and a fabulous tee. That's me. So Julia....THANK YOU for getting me out there into the world and helping me to see that I can dream BIG!
I am not sure when these will be in my etsy shop and at The Vintage-Flea, but I'll be sure to let you know. If you aren't on Facebook, you can see my business page here or Pieces of Me page here. You do not have to have a profile to see the fun going on in both business pages!!
Art Camp Fun
Monday I hosted my first camp of the summer season. Boy, did we make some amazing work!! First up, mini camper paintings.....I wonder what inspired this idea? hmmmmm.....These are acrylic paintings on canvas boards.
We also painted with watercolors on paper puppies with bugs on their noses. Man, these are stink'n cute!!The main project was a macaw painting on 11x14 wrapped canvas with acrylic paints. We used all sorts of fun materials to texture the background from bubble wrap, doilies, packing peanuts and leaf masks. The kids did an amazing job of layering the backgrounds with these tools! And then the bird itself, geesh they surprised me with their talents. And I should tell you they were ages 7-11. Yeah. I know. Talent.
My next camp is July 18-20t. We will be packing in the painting, ceramics and sculpture projects these 3 days. If you live in the area, give me a call!! I'd love to have your child join me!
Savannah and Back
Savannah and back in 4 days. With 23 other people. 17 of which were under the age of 10. Yes, 10 years of age is what I wrote. It was truly an amazing trip. Amazing. In the previous post I said I was really not looking forward to the trip, and honestly it was for selfish reasons. But over the course of the 4 days I watched in wonder as these special little girls became Girl Scouts, no longer Brownies. We exposed these girls to things they may never be exposed to ever again in their lifetime. The activities chosen were not over the top, but meaningful. They visited the birthplace of Girl Scouts. They got to ride a trolley car, a ferry boat, a river boat, and a horse drawn carriage. They ate Moroccan food with their hands while watching belly dancers. They ferried across the Savnnah river and back with the moonlight in their eyes. They visited a graveyard and threw pennies on graves for good luck. They rode a boat on the Bull River while dolphins waved hello. Were dropped off by this boat to a deserted island in the middle of the ocean and spent a day with nothing but squeals of complete joy in the water and sand. They took a carriage drawn ghost tour through the 2nd most haunted city in the USA. They climbed 178 stairs to the top of the Tybee Island light house. They swam in the Atlantic Ocean til dark. They ate seafood at a shack with 17 of their best friends while the salt spray tangled their hair. They visited Outland center and got to pet a rather robust opossum. And they built a file of memories to last a lifetime in their sweet little heads. And so did I.
I didn't take my Canon along this trip, just my Ipad, and the Instagram app. These are my favorites I took on the trip by far. There is something magical in that city. And calming to my heart. I am back rested, yes...crazy right? And not as anxious about some things that are around the corner. Although I do have HUGE things going on. Did you see my facebook message???? For today, I've finished up and awesome art camp, am about to shut down the computer and head out with the kids. Not sure where yet. But that's not so important today. Just the being together is. See ya back later in the week where I shed light on the FB news.
Girl Scouts and Savannah
Did you know that Savannah, Georgia was the birthplace of Girl Scouts? So guess where I am right this second? Yep. In Savannah with Mailey's Girl Scout Troop. We've got 24 with us. I wasn't particularly looking forward to this trip, I have to be honest. Lots of girls to keep up with, a leader that wigs out a bit about keeping up with those lots of girls, and lots of girls without Mommies, MILES from home. They are ages 8-10 by the way. I said they were really too young to enjoy and appreciate this trip. We should wait. I was out voted. Sigh. So be thinking about me, and the 23 others with me. That we return safely on Sunday....and that I have a little better attitude. I know it's going to be fun, I LOVE Savannah. And we are doing some really cool stuff. (I'm writing this before I go BTW, love that feature in blogger) Like a Ghost Carriage tour, dinner at a belly dancing place, shark tooth hunt on Bull River, touring the Juliette Gordon Low House (founder of Girl Scouting), and more. So yes, we are going to enjoy ourselves. I'm going to focus on making this a memorable trip for Mailey so that years from now she still says to me, "Mom, remember when I was 9 and we went to Savannah with troop 10322?" "Yes Mailey, I do"
Studio Assistants
Let me introduce you to the newest widdle studio assistant: Graham. She weighed in at the vet a whopping 12ounces, not even a pound yet. Yep. She's widdle all right. And cries a LOT. Figuring out each cry has not been easy. But she loves her horse stuffed animal, her nursing milk, and humans. She really loves humans. And wants to love Lily, but Lily is not too kosher with that...yet. She walks towards Lily all sad faced and crying and Lily just runs away. I think Graham will break her eventually. When she stops crying all the time. Anyhoo....I was working on my first Get Your Paint on assignment here and of course Lily is always on my left side. Graham got front and center position. I love my studio. And all it's 4-legged help.
An E-Course
Hey guys!! So I'm doing something new this summer, taking a painting E-COURSE!!! It's all a part of this urge inside my creative bones to move forward. To do new things. Yep. I had wanted to take their course the last time they offered it and something inside my head stopped me...you know those whatareyouthinkingspendingmoneyonthatmonster? kept me from signing up. This time around, for some reason, those monsters are gone!
I've told a few peeps I'm doing this and their response has been, "you already know how to paint, or their work doesn't look a thing like you." Well, I do know how to paint. But as these wise girls said in their opening video, "painting is a process". And there is always room for growth. I also think it's important as an artist to step totally outside of your box and explore new genres. You never know, it could turn a light bulb on in your creative right brain side that had been clicked off for a spell. So I am off this morning to work on lesson one. I'd forgotten how much I love an assignment. Professors used to laugh at how quickly I wrapped my creativeness around the ideas they threw at us. And my wheels are spinning this morning for their lesson #1. See ya later in the week!!
I've told a few peeps I'm doing this and their response has been, "you already know how to paint, or their work doesn't look a thing like you." Well, I do know how to paint. But as these wise girls said in their opening video, "painting is a process". And there is always room for growth. I also think it's important as an artist to step totally outside of your box and explore new genres. You never know, it could turn a light bulb on in your creative right brain side that had been clicked off for a spell. So I am off this morning to work on lesson one. I'd forgotten how much I love an assignment. Professors used to laugh at how quickly I wrapped my creativeness around the ideas they threw at us. And my wheels are spinning this morning for their lesson #1. See ya later in the week!!
A Weekend For Photos
"There is love embedded in the subtle simplicity of everyday. Don't overlook its gentle magic. It's lifes gift. Take it. Let it charm you."....from BE INSPI(RED) by Hallmark
So here is a little photo journal of our weekend. No, we didn't head off to a 5* resort this time, but rather a simple, yet magical stay on Lake Logan Martin. We enjoyed the simple life on the lake as a family. Even Lily came along for a little sun soaking. And I am pretty sure we made some memories that will last a lifetime. Yes, we were charmed this weekend by lake water, foamy blue floats, tasty cool drinks, Grandparents and a long morning boat ride in the vintage Feathercraft where the water looked like a mirror. So enjoy my photo blog. I hope you take the time this summer to find some gentle magic as well. Even if it's just turning on the sprinkler and running through it just like you did as a child. Because sometimes it's the simplest of memories than last a lifetime.

Oh, and just in case you were wondering, I've hired a new studio assistant. His name is Graham. Yes, his cuteness is beyond words. He and his 2 brothers helped to foster a little of the magic this weekend. And flooded me with the most amazing memories of my childhood with our kitten Wonderwoman. Like I quoted, sometimes you just need to allow yourself the opportunity to be charmed.
Field Trip Friday!!
The second weekend of every month here in Atlanta we have an amazing Antique market called Scott's. It's just about a 40 minute drive from my house. I've not been in a few months and thought maybe the kids would want to go today. So I asked them yesterday and surprisingly they were very excited about it! (which saved me getting a sitter!) You can only imagine the places I've drug these two to. From icky thrift stores, every art store within a two state radius, antique stores, flea markets, and galleries they've shopped in just about every type of place there is. They have, in the past, not been the most pleasant shopping company. So I was super happy they wanted to go, but also a little nervous about their stamina in the 99' heat and ability to stay focused on the fun of the giant market. Well much to my surprise they LOVED IT!! We stayed over 4 hours and could have gone longer but I wanted to beat traffic getting home. William had to go through every tent outside meticulously, and got very ill with me when we skipped one I thought to be less interesting. He already has a little collection of pocket knives and for some reason today they were in every booth. Literally. He scored a tiny necklace charm pocket knife and one that is like a canteen knife with a fork, knife, spoon, can opener, etc. Real cool.
I picked up some fabulous spools for jewelry displays and a wooden rack for jewelry as well. And then there was the mack daddy find of the century. Ok artist peeps....get ready to be very jealous of me. See:
I know!!!! I know!!!! It's heavy as crap because it's solid wood. And that wood is covered in its previous owners paint! I can only imagine the artist at work using this amazing cart. Best part, I opened up the drawers and to my surprise there were art supplies in every drawer. And the owner said, "it comes with all that junk...I'll take $100 bucks for it". I was trying so hard not to do a kart-wheel. Yep. Vintage supplies!! There are amazing treasures in the unit from an old rubber date stamp that had only the years 1956-1960 to watercolors for hand tinting photos! There is one drawer pictured below that is full of exacto knives and blades. I have no idea who would need that many of that particular tool. In fact, after taking off half my thumb in college with one I have a total fear of that particular tool! Yuck is right.
The paint is of course dried out, but I am already thinking what a cool display in my booth! I'll definitely be taking this sweet piece to the Country Living Fair. I can totally see the drawers open with my products spilling out of them. And here's the back of the piece. It's bead board covered in paint as well.
So I am hoping this vintage treasure will bring me some good mojo in the coming months. I can only imagine a happy artist could create such a mess!!
YES....You Are in Mattie's Social Circle
Yep. It's me....here. Promise. BIG changes, right? But change is good. And it's been a long time coming. Originally I had BIG plans. To talk about the changes....build them up and wham! Pull back the velvet curtain on the newness of it all in one glamorous swoop. But, I really don't like it when blogs I read tease with bigness, new things to come and basically leave you hanging. Yeah. Not my style. And too I find that once the idea has planted itself deep enough and has taken root, it really needs to bloom. And that's what's been going on here in Mattie's Social Circle.
It all started to bloom with a book. I've been reading a ton lately. About lots of subjects really, and not to bore you with all that, this quote I highlighted in one book has been guiding the shift in my heart.
".....You must first be who you really are, then do what you really need to do, in order to have what you want." -Margaret Young
That's where I am right now in my journey. Embracing the imperfections. Doing what I need to do.......and not looking back. Gathering pieces of joy I've left behind all these years, and putting them right back where they belong.
And you know what, since making these decisions....I'm finally getting exactly what I want. Yep. It works.
So Mattie will never ever be totally gone. She's in my new sweet logo. Resting on top of the flower. Like a little guardian angel. And a gentle reminder of how I got from there to here.
It all started to bloom with a book. I've been reading a ton lately. About lots of subjects really, and not to bore you with all that, this quote I highlighted in one book has been guiding the shift in my heart.
".....You must first be who you really are, then do what you really need to do, in order to have what you want." -Margaret Young
That's where I am right now in my journey. Embracing the imperfections. Doing what I need to do.......and not looking back. Gathering pieces of joy I've left behind all these years, and putting them right back where they belong.
And you know what, since making these decisions....I'm finally getting exactly what I want. Yep. It works.
So Mattie will never ever be totally gone. She's in my new sweet logo. Resting on top of the flower. Like a little guardian angel. And a gentle reminder of how I got from there to here.
Linky Party With Homework
Today I am participating in a link party. I've only done one of these before, and not really sure I am doing it right, but this summer my goal was to step out of my comfort zone and place Jenni Horne Studios out in cyberland. Yep....now wadding through this water is not always easy. But sweet Carolyn's blog is such a lovely place to start!!
So we have to show something we've made on our blog and link it to hers.....and well, I make a ton of stuff. So choosing was not easy. But since I'll be teaching this project in Portland at Art & Soul, I thought it be a great one to share. And besides, I just love this project. I find that when you share from the heart, it shows and it's contagious, right?
So enjoy the project and the links my new blog friends!! And thanks for coming to the circle today. I hope to see you again real soon.
Little Painting Love Here
Lot's of original goodness in my etsy shop today. Yep. Oooweee...are they cuties. You are going need one. And they are small enough that surely you can find a place for one. And affordable enough to make you smile. And maybe buy more than one. Yep. See you over there!!
What I'm Lovin' Today
Have you ever had one of those days where you just find joy everywhere you look? Like bubbling OVER joy? Well, here in the Horne house we had just that. And this is what I am LOVIN' today!
First I woke to find this sweet news in my inbox here. Yes, that's my artwork on the cover of the Birmingham Black& White magazine!! So giggling and whistling while I worked, I set sights on getting the winter clothes out of my closet. Yes, I live in the south with literally a 100' heat index....and I still have the velvet and wool hanging in my closet. Geesh! I am a meticulous cleaner outer to say the least. So first out are all the shoes. And look what I realized was hanging out on my husband's side of the closet?
There's nothing I love more than a hot man in boots and a suit. And that is my Billy's uniform for work. Ummmhmmm. I guess I never realized how many pairs he actually had though. Scary thing, I've got just as many!! And all mine are vintage. So now I am lovin' MY side of the closet. We share.....his was already clean. And yes, I put my clothes in color order. Artsyfartsy, right?
So I find that once I clean one area, it kind of carries over into another area. Which was the rest of the house it turns out. Including a purse. Which had this envelope in it. I am really loving this tag line which Delta has no lie, trademarked. I am thinking that life comes together at my kitchen table, not necessarily in a bank. But I like the thought. So now it's on my fridge.
So next up was the kitchen table that well, like I said above, life seems to comes together there and it was a mess. I unpacked some sweet purchases from the Vintage-Flea and forgot that I'd bought this amazing blue compote! It's as crystal blue as my son's eyes. LOVIN' it. And now it holds all my jewelry pliers. Because it is much more fun to work when you have your tools in pretty dishes.
Speaking of sparkly blue eyes.....I could not love the little man below more today....or be more proud. His 11U team won their tournament tonight!! We've played travel ball one year and have never gotten past 3 games. This time they were rocking the field. And as mentioned above, the heat index is 100' at least. So I can not imagine the heat this little man felt in those catching pads. He caught the entire winning game though without complaining. Goodness I love to watch him play. Oh, and they got...get this....not trophies for winning but a championship ring!! Like a little super bowl ring. So cute. They were over the moon about it! So right now it's a quiet house, a quiet clean house that is. It's always nice to start your week off that way, right? And I am about to tuck myself in with this book I am lovin' reading right now.
So guys, what are you loving right now?
Major Etsy Update
I've only a few goals this summer. With the kiddos out of school and Mom duty in full swing (pool time in full swing I should say), I have to set weekly goals that are attainable. I get really wound up about "not working". Ummm...actually I get a little crazy when I am not working. When the momentum gets out of whack, well I am not so pleasant to be around. It's me. I know that. So, to ward of the crazy Mom syndrome I set goals. Week 1......ETSY update in the metal category. WOOOHOOO.......It's done. And just in the nick of time.
The necklace above is similar to the ones featured in Belle Amoire this month!!Next week's goal: ETSY update in paint. Yep. Real paint. Not prints. Well, doorbell is ringing. Day of play here we come!!!
Sing A New Song
I've spoken here often about how important it is as an artist to find that common thread to weave through your work. It opens your creative thought process up and expands your vocabulary as an artist when you recognize the patterns in your work. Setting boundaries may not be the best way to describe it, but making conscious decisions about what you put out in the world is important to becoming an authentic voice in the art world. A voice that people will be drawn to because they know it's you.
Awhile back I tweaked my original bird pattern from Betz White's felted bird one to my own using fabric, felt....and lots of love. A friend had passed along the idea of using embroidery hoops as a cage, and adapting it to my aesthetic, came up with these cuties:
Art imitating, art. Love this. The cage has been made using brass strips and solder. The bird was hand crafted from paper clay and then coated with gloss medium. Hanging from the bottom to replicate my ribbons and hand stamped message is chain, glass beads and a sweet message to "Sing a New Song".
The bird cage hangs about 36" down on this amazing new rosary inspired chain I found. Love it. As I finished this up last night Mailey said, "Mommy, you just can't sell this." But you know what, I am. And you can find it here. I'm making some changes in the studio.....important ones to my business growing. And one is reaching to those who can not attend art shows or my galleries. Etsy is about to get puffy heart time. I'll be sure to let you know as items get listed. My theme is, "scattering joy through paint. fabric.metal". I've got a nice pile of metal to photo, edit and upload first. Already starting with the lovely piece above.
Fresh Style Magazine...A Must Buy!!
Running through Wal-mart last week this magazine caught my eye. Immediately I thought what an amazing composition on the front cover....that'd be a great painting! Upon closer look I had to know how they got those glass jars colored. So flipping through the pages I nearly flipped out at the layout, the ease of the articles, and the creme-de-la-creme.....an article on AMY BUTLER. Seriously. Cartwheels in Wal-mart worthy. hehehe... Needless to say I've been pouring over the pages, dog-earring several of my favorites and enjoying the whole magazine. The contents are divided into these sections: creative ways, handmade projects, weekend updates, inspiring spaces, life and style. As a creative spirit in all aspects of my world this magazine totally tickled all my senses.
So adorable editor Andrea Fanning, I puffy heart your magazine and can not WAIT until the fall issue comes out.
So adorable editor Andrea Fanning, I puffy heart your magazine and can not WAIT until the fall issue comes out.
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