
We're Growing Up

It has been a HUGE day in the Horne house.  This morning at 7:30am I dropped my 8 year old Mailey off for her first week long camp.  Yes, I said week long sleepover camp.  She was so excited, and quite honestly so was I.  Not because I'm getting her off my hands for the week, but because she was genuinely excited about doing this.  Going away from Mommy doing this.  This is super huge.  And as we Moms of the 3 girls below waved good-bye,  I was the calmest.  I think because Mailey and I are both ready for this to happen.  And she is going to have an amazing time.  I just know it in my heart.....

So as they say, while the mice are away the cats will play!  William and I conspired last week that today we would do something together super fun in Atlanta.  We packed ourselves up and headed to Marietta for a little day at Whitewater park.  Hardly ever do I get to enjoy things like this with just William.  And being with just him today reminded me how much I enjoy his little personality,  his sensitive side, and his kindness.  He's also a little chicken I found out today, not wanting to ride hardly ANY of the cool slides.  Man, I was bummed about that.

On a last note totally not about my kiddos but about good people......

So being in Whitewater today I was able to do some serious observing.  I mean this place is like a people watching mecca!  Now I've been in places with multiple people in swimwear like the beach, the club pool, etc.  But for some reason today it hit me like a brick what being in a place such as this does for showing your authentic outward self, and make you really look at your own self.  I mean no make-up, no hair, no shoes, and literally hanging out all day in bra and panty amount of clothes will make you stop and think about certain things.  I also noted an unusually large number of rather large tattoos on both men and women.  Now, I love tattoos and the artistry that goes into them, but since most people have them under the clothing you don't usually get to see so many masterpieces just walking around.  In a way though, we were all on very equal playing ground in this place.  There were no cars to compare, no blaring brands on bathing suits, no fancy jewelry, no hair styles, nothing to really make any one person stand out from another.  And although I am not suggesting we all start running around in our bra and panties without make-up or our hair done, I am saying that maybe looking past all the glam on the outside and getting down to the water park authenticity could be a very good thing for our society.  The best part of my people observing was the true happiness that exuded from everyone.  Even in the long boring lines people were giggling, holding hands, kissing, talking and just listening to one another.  I mean, you certainly can not take a cell phone or laptop into a wave pool.  You get unplugged and uninhibited.  You get to SQUEAL going down the flumes and you get to smile larger than life in a wave pool without getting a mouth full of salty water.  So if you have an opportunity to take your child or heck, go with your friends and enjoy and certainly observe.  Because my people watching today was surprisingly refreshing.  Now I am off to shower and rest, because the other thing about a waterpark is that it is indeed a work out!


Liaen said...

Adorable (:

I followed you by the way, heres my blog if you wanna read.


Suzanne said...

That is an absolutely beautiful photo of those three girls! You should frame that and display it somewhere. They just look so young, and so happy.

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