Whew. The BIG weekend. It's done. No more 20 year high school reunions for me. Isn't that weird? There are very few moments in your life that you get to experience only once. ONCE (have you really ever thought about that?) And a 20 year high school thingy is one of them. This past weekend was AMAZING!! All the stressing, texting, emailing, and hard work seriously paid off. Because everyone said as they were headed out the door late Saturday night, "THANKS". And that word is like the sweetest candy ever. So I know this is a blog about me as an artist, but I just HAD to show off a few pictures from the weekend. The kids and I just got back tonight and I am beyond exhausted mentally and physically and am super glad the kids have one more day off from schooling. We all need it.

Friday night we all met at the football game. High School football in the south is a serious deal, so of course the reunion was planned according to this. We had a whole section blocked off in the bleachers with a wonderful turn-out of classmates. Above is my BFF Aimee Robbins Nichols (and yes, she has always had that amazing red mane and amazing porcelain skin). After the game we all headed to downtown Homewood to a super cool bar called Oak Hill. We packed it out talking and cutting up until the weeeeee hours. I really don't think my body has seen 2am in a long while, has yours?
Saturday during the day we all met with families in tow for a giant picnic in our local park. It has been totally renovated since my childhood, but wormy up above is STILL there. And still my favorite to climb (although in a pair of skinny jeans I'll admit is not as easy to climb!). We also invited all our teachers to the picnic which was really cool. I just wish Mr. Shelby had been there. :(
Here are my mini me's and Suzan's mini-me's. Man, are we in trouble with those two babies in the middle!
So here's the gang minus a few sweet friends (Heidi and Betty weren't there yet, and Amy wasn't there at all shame shame). Jani Farr, Me, Suzan Summers Brandt and Aimee Robbins Nichols...we were also part of the reunion planners. When you decide to be class officers in High School you really should be told that the job never ends and includes reunion planning for life. But in all honestly it was all GOOD. really.
I can't tell you how many times I heard, "YOU look exactly the same!" I guess that's good, although I think I look better with few little wrinkles and blonder hair! Mailey totally pointed this out to me by the way. I think her words were, "Mommy why didn't you dye your hair back then?" Well, because NO one dyed their hair back then, or straightened it with flat irons. "Oh. Well you guys should have." Ok 8 year old daughter. Hehehe... The kids and I have spent the past two days napping, boat riding, and pumpkin carving at Pawpaw's fish camp. Tomorrow we have another day off from schooling. I think the plan is this...sleep late, unpack, head to Atlanta for some shopping and then a fundraiser for Daddy at the Five Season's Brewing. Such a fun little day 20 years after graduating from High School. So what are you doing on Tuesday?