
Sometimes New is Good

I find that sometimes ideas consume my little head and until I get them out and onto the canvas, well let's just say I get a little loco!  I know, I'm such an artist.  So the idea swimming in my head was to make portraits of my children.  Now, I am not going to become a portrait artist...nope.  But the thought of my hands capturing their little personalities through paint really excited me!  I take thousands of photos a year with my Canon Rebel....seriously.  So I flipped through and found my favorite shots and turned them into these:

The photo of Mailey was of her in this year's amazing Halloween costume complete with Taylor Swift wig, thus why she has flowing blond curls and not red wavy hair.   I may have to change the color of her hair at some point.  It says, "Her spirit embraced them all".  Which it does, it really really does.  From where she started to where she is now, the one constant is her little spirit and how ginormous it is.  She freaks me out a little with the manner in which she embraces all things.  From humans and animals to her sweet dolls, she embraces each with such an open heart.

And then there is William.  The child Billy and I prayed for almost 2 years to come to us.  The child that came out quiet, that was gentle and kind when Mailey came with a fury.  The child that is so sensitive you look at him wrong through the hair you see tears in the eyes.  The child that saw when I was finally doing his painting smiled from ear to ear in flattery.  The child that "makes my heart sing".

This child is not really mine.  Well he sorta is.  This is my sister Molly's son Fielding.  I just puffy heart the photo of him I used for this painting.  He has this total routine with his smiling....it starts small, then the mouth goes wide open with tongue out and you can not help kiss and gooey all over him.  Seriously.  You can't see the words too well, but it says, "He will forever leave an imprint on your life".  Yep, that's what children do.  You know what I mean?  And not just from the second you see them being born, but from the second you know you are carrying their soul they imprint on your heart.  It's completely and totally unavoidable.  And since this child in particular was not in the grand plan, he has imprinted on all of us more than we ever imagined he could.

So this little painting time has completely and totally inspired me.  Getting completely out of my comfort zone has been a wonderful way to jump start the next series of paintings.  I have big plans up my sleeve for the next two months in the studio, most of which include the brush and paint.    I can't wait to share the journey as it unfolds. 


Dianne said...

Lovely portraits...

Jennifer Williams said...

What a smart way or getting around painting traditional portraits! I am portrait challenged myself. Anything I draw ends up looking like a caricature.

These turned out just darling! I love them all but my favorite is the second one of William.

Jennifer Jackson Taylor said...

These are great Jenni!

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